Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 23:24:23 -0500 Subject: (>>=) associativity, short-circuiting, and lazy computation Hallo all, First, sorry for the confusion and errors in class today on $subject. Not quite sure how I botched that, but I did. In any case: This mail contains a lot of by-hand lambda calculus in hopes of shedding light on details in apology for said flubbing of basics in class today. People with only limited exposure to lambda calculus reasoning are encouraged to read the first half, but they may prefer, rather than the second half, instead to play Alligator Eggs and save this mail for a rainy day. People eager to understand the material in detail are encouraged to try variants of the examples presented. Let's consider the Maybe monad, with three functions > foo, bar :: Int -> Maybe Int > foo = const Nothing > bar = Just > test :: Maybe Int > test = Just 5 >>= foo >>= bar >>= baz First, we should note that >>= is declared to be "infixl 1", meaning that it is _left_ associative and binds tightly. So mistake number 1: the AST is in fact left branching; indeed, as Jason rightly pointed out, attempting to right-associate it is a type error. We can study the behavior of this expression with some equational reasoning. Recall that, for Maybe, > Nothing >>= _ = Nothing > (Just a) >>= f = f a which is the same as > ma >>= f = case ma of > Nothing -> Nothing > Just a -> f a which means that demanding the result of >>= is going to demand the left so that it can case analyse it. Thus, demanding the whole expression > ((Just 5) >>= const Nothing) >>= Just and thus > (Just 5) >>= const Nothing and thus > Just 5 even though we are going to throw away the result in > const Nothing 5 If you don't like equational reasoning, observe that > leftEval = error "Yes" >>= const Nothing >>= Just throws the exception, meaning that the first step of computation runs even though the later steps are certain to fail. This raises an important point which I should have remembered in lecture: just because you might be able to prove that the result is independent of some computation doesn't mean that that computation never runs; the particular proof search strategy employed by lazy reduction may take a different route. Note, however, that the right-hand sides of >>= do not evaluate once the computation has failed (as we expect from the definition of >>=). While not short-circuiting per-se, it has some superficial similarities (and is, I think, what tripped me up): > Just 5 >>= const Nothing >>= error "Bang" >>= Just reduces to "Nothing" without raising an error. It is not, however, short-circuited: redefining >>= to be > Nothing >>= _ = trace "no" Nothing > (Just a) >>= f = trace "yes" $ f a yields the sequence of traces "yes", "no", "no" before returning Nothing. We therefore see that the Nothing is repeatedly analysed rather than being properly short-circuited. Now, all of that said, if you _want_ a short-circuited Maybe monad, never fear. wren ng thornton, a JHU alum and past co-worker (who does indeed prefer his name rendered in lower case), has shown us the way with Control.Monad.MaybeK (available as part of unification-fd on Hackage; the docs are available at ). (For those in the know, this is the "continuation-passing" form of the computation.) It involves a higher-rank type, which we have not covered yet (sorry; fortunately, here, it need not concern us excessively): > newtype MaybeK a = MK (forall r. (a -> Maybe r) -> Maybe r) The equivalent of Just is "return", and the equivalent of Nothing is > MK (const Nothing) (the definition of mzero for MaybeK, just as Nothing is the defintion of mzero for Maybe; we have not yet covered the MonadPlus class.) The eliminator of a MaybeK, (i.e. the analog of runReader and runState from lecture today), which makes a Maybe out of it, is: > runMaybeK :: MaybeK a -> Maybe a > runMaybeK (MK m) = m return Note that that "return" is the _Maybe_ monad's return: since m has type "forall r . (a -> Maybe r) -> Maybe r", the return there must be instantiated at "a -> Maybe a", making the whole right-hand side have type "Maybe a" as required. And the Monad instance is > instance Monad MaybeK where > return a = MK (\k -> k a) > MK m >>= f = MK (\k -> m (\a -> case f a of MK n -> n k)) This looks more promising: >>= does not analyse m and the only case analysis happening here is to evaluate the _rest_ of the computation, f. So, reconstructing test to use MaybeK: > test = ((Just 5) >>= const Nothing) >>= Just > testK = ((return 5) >>= const (MK $ const Nothing)) >>= return and indeed > runMaybeK $ testK yields Nothing as we expect. Now, let's chew on testK for a moment: > return 5 = MK (\k -> k 5) > (return 5) >>= const (MK $ const Nothing) > > MK (\k -> k 5) >>= const (MK $ const Nothing) > > MK (\k -> (\k' -> k' 5) (\a -> case (const (MK $ const Nothing) a) of MK n -> n k)) > (return 5) >>= const (MK $ const Nothing) >>= return > > MK (\k -> (\k' -> k' 5) (\a -> case (const (MK $ const Nothing) a) of MK n -> n k)) > >>= \x -> MK (\k -> k x) > > MK (\k -> (\k' -> (\k'' -> k'' 5) (\a -> case (const (MK $ const Nothing) a) of MK n -> n k')) > (\a -> case (\x -> MK (\k' -> k' x)) a of MK n -> n k)) OK, everybody got that? Note the structure of the lambdas; in schematic form, we started with > A >>= B >>= C and we now have > (\k -> (\k' -> A (B k')) (C k)) or > (\k -> A (B (C k))) which is right-branching as desired. If B ignores the rest of the computation (and indeed, it does), then only A and B are evaluated and the rest of the computation is truly short-circuited. In detail, then, expanding defintions and reducing: > runMaybeK testK > > (\k -> (\k' -> (\k'' -> k'' 5) (\a -> case (const (MK $ const Nothing) a) of MK n -> n k')) > (\a -> case (\x -> MK (\k' -> k' x)) a of MK n -> n k)) > return > > (\k' -> (\k'' -> k'' 5) (\a -> case (const (MK $ const Nothing) a) of MK n -> n k')) > (\a -> case (\x -> MK (\k' -> k' x)) a of MK n -> n return) > > (\k'' -> k'' 5) (\a -> case (const (MK $ const Nothing) a) of MK n -> > n (\a -> case (\x -> MK (\k' -> k' x)) a of MK n -> n return)) > > (\a -> case (const (MK $ const Nothing) a) of MK n -> > n ((\a -> case (\x -> MK (\k' -> k' x)) a of MK n -> n return))) 5 > > case (const (MK $ const Nothing) 5) of MK n -> > n (\a -> case (\x -> MK (\k' -> k' x)) a of MK n -> n return) > > case MK $ const Nothing of MK n -> > n (\a -> case (\x -> MK (\k' -> k' x)) a of MK n -> n return) > > (const Nothing) (\a -> case (\x -> MK (\k' -> k' x)) a of MK n -> n return) > > Nothing There. As you can see (phfew!), we took the left-associative >>= and made the computation short-circuiting: the "\x -> MK (\k' -> k' x)" return at the right of the computation was never considered, because, more importantly, the bind before it (the "case ... a of MK n -> n return") was also never considered. Note that the computation really does work its way from the left; leftEval rewritten to use MaybeK still throws the exception. As another check, redefining >>= to trace: > showmk mk = case runMaybeK mk of { Nothing -> "Nothing" ; Just _ -> "Just" } and > x@(MK m) >>= f = trace (showmk x ++ " >>=") $ MK (\k -> m (\a -> case f a of MK n -> n k)) (Sorry for not mentioning @-patterns in class either; it just lets me get a variable for the whole thing, x, at the same time as case analysing to get m; I'll make a slide about it when it comes up in class.) yields "Just >>=" and "Nothing >>=" before terminating with the answer Nothing. Hope that helps and that there aren't more mistakes in this email. --nwf;